Programming Basics

Decimal Numbers Review

Digit are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

This is a base 10 numbering system, thus the word decimal

Place positions are one’s, ten’s, hundred’s, thousand’s, etc…

Place values are base on the powers of 10.

The powers of 10 are: 0, 10, 100, 1000, etc… this corresponds to 10^0, 10^1, 10^2, 10^3, etc…

The powers 0, 1, 2, 3, etc… corresponds to the one’s, ten’s, hundred’s, thousand’s, etc… place positions.

Programming Basics: Data Representation

What’s all this business about ones and zeros?

Binary Computers only know two things: One and Zero.

Structure is applied to groups on 1’s and 0’s to gain meaning.

Powers of Two

If you start with 1 penny and double it each day, how much money do you have in 30 days?

If you start with 1 penny and double it each day with a 28% tax rate, how much money do you have in 30 days? ~$40K

Size Unit

Fishing with a bit might get you a nibble or even a byte.

As you tell the story the word gets longer and longer.

Logical Data Type

The world of black and white, true or false

Numeric Data Type

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 BLAST OFF!

How numbers are stored in a computer


Two’s company

1’s and 0’s using the power of 2 and grouped in different sizes

Bit Significance

Even bits strive for significance

Right to Left, Least to Most

Bit Positions

Bits are not egalitarian

Bit Position and relation to the power of two

Binary Number Calculations

What gives value to a binary number?

Binary Number Range

There is a lot of range in the digits 1 and 0

Using two digits in three places to get 8 values from 0 to 7

More Binary Number Calculations

What gives value to a binary number? Revisited

A more in-depth binary number calculation


An eight legged animal

Digits are 0 to 7; base 8

Use % as the notation


Finally something we can relate to, what a blessing

Digits are 0 to 9; base 10


You might think this is a curse

Digits are 0 to 9, A to F; base 16

Use $ as the notation


How to change a curse into a blessing

Tables of values

Division remainder method

Binary Addition

Learning how to add all over again

Add 1’s and 0’s with carry

Signed Binary

"Sign, sign, everywhere a sign"

How to represent negative numbers in binary

There is a problem though

One’s & Two’s Complement

Aren’t they so polite

A solution to negative number math, inverse the digits and add 1

Binary Coded Decimal

"What you do that for" – Opie Taylor

A method to code signed floating point decimal numbers in binary only using the decimal digits 0 to 9

Floating Point

Who will rescue this point?

IEEE 754 standard


Programming builds character



Programming Basics: Constructs

Let’s build something

John von Neumann machine

In some traditions, the father of the modern digital computer

Variable Assignment

Here’s what you do for me

Symbolic representation of a memory location

Holds a value that can be changed

Variable Types


Restricted meanings can be placed on variables so that they have a smaller range of values. This aids in writing better programs.


Let’s be logical about this

Value range is restricted to True or False


It’s all in the numbers

Value range is restricted to integer or floating point values


Easy as 1,2, 3

Whole numbers, no decimal point


Take a bite

8 bit range


How’s the view down there?

16 bit range


A.K.A. Integer

16 or 32 bit range


Kinda like this lecture

32 or 64 bit range

Floating Point

Still no rescue

Numbers with a decimal point

Different sizes used to conserve memory usage

Float (single)


A good range of values


Double trouble

A large range of values

Even Larger Numbers

Will the insanity ever end?

An enormous range of values


There are lots of characters

Single characters or a string of characters


Here is one character

Encoded with some character coding scheme like ASCII


Here are a bunch of characters

Very convenient but lots of overhead


A table of values

A complex variable with several components


The variable name of the array


The variable type of the values in the array


Values in the different array slots


Places in the array where individual values are stored


The extra referencing item besides the variable name to access the different locations where values are stored in the array

Multi-Dimensional Arrays

An array with more than one index to reference the different locations in the array


Never changes

Proper use is good programming practice


Programming is very expressive


The left hand learns what the right hand is doing


Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Modulus, Power


And, Or, Not, Xor truth tables


Equal, Not Equal, Less Than, Greater Than and combinations of such


Order of expression evaluation and the use of Parentheses ( )


Binary And, Or, Not, Xor, Left Shift, Right Shift


Making Decisions


If (true) Then…

Else (it must be false) …


Short hand way of doing nested If..Then.Else statements


Take a fork in the road


Unconditional branching

Considered poor programming practice because it violates the one entry point and one exit point of a module as described in structured programming


This looping form is to be used when the number of times that the loop should be performed can be pre-determined


This looping form is to be used when a test should be done before the loop should be executed, even the first time. The loop may execute zero (0) to N times, where N may or may not pre-determined


This looping form is to be used when a test should be done after the loop has executed at least one time. The loop will execute one (1) to N times, where N may or may not pre-determined


Communicating with the world outside of the program






Method for organizing code, facilitating code reuse


Do something but do NOT return a value


Do something and DO return a value

Parameter Passing

Information into the subroutine

Call by value

Call by reference

Return Values

Function return value, explicitly or implicitly assigned